Home Extensions Power-Up Your Gmail With Special Chrome Extensions

Power-Up Your Gmail With Special Chrome Extensions

gmail extensions for productivity

People who use gmail and always busy with negotiating over their email always wish to have some magic tools (mainly some desired additional functions). Good news for them, there are some technology which can help them with this.

Extensions which you can use on your Chrome browser brings also new functions to your gmail and power ups your abilities. For example notifications about when people red your email or delayed “send” function when you send email at weekends 🙂

Boost up your productivity with these extensions. So we listed them below.

Mailtrack for Gmail & Inbox – Webstore Link is an email tracking extension for Gmail and Inbox that lets you know if the emails you’ve sent have been read or not. Mailtrack extension adds the double check marks to your Gmail.

Boomerang for Gmail – Webstore Link

Boomerang allows you to schedule messages to be sent or returned at a later date. Write a message now, send it whenever, even if you’re not online. Track messages to make sure you hear back, and schedule reminders right inside Gmail™

Gmelius for Gmail – Webstore Link

Gmelius improves your inbox by adding new functionalities to boost your productivity, protect your privacy, let you collaborate with others and customize your inbox.

Right Inbox for Gmail – Webstore Link

Right Inbox integrates seamlessly with Gmail and lets you schedule your emails to be delivered at a future time. You may set reminders to the conversations and create recurring emails. More than 250,000 professionals use Right Inbox everyday to increase their email productivity.

FullContact for Gmail™ – Webstore Link

FullContact gives you all the power of your address book, right in your Gmail inbox. Learn more about your contacts.

  • Open a thread or hover to see a full profile, including photo, job title, location, and social links
  • Quickly search your entire address book
  • Scroll through your contacts’ latest tweets, to keep up with their activity

Mailto: for Gmail™ – Webstore Link

This extension will make mailto: links open in a Gmail compose window. Nothing more, nothing less.

ActiveInbox: Succeed in Gmail™ – Webstore Link

Your inbox is where tasks arrive, but email clients are chaotic.
Task managers are not the answer – they tediously require you to keep them up to date. ActiveInbox combines Gmail and your task manager into one simple tool, bringing your email under control, and effortlessly updating your task lists from your inbox.